This paper is provided by guangzhou design institute, which can be used for reference by kunming bridge staff.
The author from the current bridge of steel and zinc consumption of put forward the optimization design of cable bridge, the purpose is to reduce the unnecessary waste of bridge, reduce cost, at the same time, also want to consider bridge laying beautiful, reliable and so on.
The author optimizes the laying scheme of the distribution network cable bridge from the following aspects.
First, how to choose the proper cable bridge materials from the source, and also consider the use of the new cable bridge materials. This paper analyzes the shortcomings of the current cable bridge materials, puts forward the application of the new cable bridge materials, and then analyzes the advantages of the alloy materials.
Second, on the basis of the above, the cable bridge is optimized to reduce the cost. The improvement Suggestions are put forward from the aspects of cable bridge erection and cable bridge suspension design.
Third, from the cable bridge accessories, grounding system optimization advice. It mainly includes grounding with plastic shield.
Compared with the traditional cable bridge and the improved method, the feasibility and economy are summarized.
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